Uruguay is a tropical country in South America, they listen to reggae-ton and they have dengue, it is very similar to Argentina but if you go there never tell them that they are like argentinians, they hate that, tell them that you've been in Argentina before and you're surprised of the education of the people in Uruguay.
Uruguayan people drink a powerful drug called "mate", this drug is more adictive than heroine or cocaine, you'll see people never stop drinking that strange grass inside a dry pumpkin, they do it in the street, in the bus, in their works, so don't drink that because you won't leave it. I've been investigating and i found that the biggest dealer of this drug is a man called Omar Gutiérrez, he even has a program on TV where he makes an apology of the drug.
Like other cultures in South America or Africa when they consume their typical drug, they make rituals, in this case they go to the "Summer Theatre" where they listen to what i guess is some kind of artistic expression called "murgas".
Beware of the people who wears Alpha jackets or Nike shoes, these are called "planchas" and they are all thieves.
The traditional sport is soccer, the final tip is: never go to see a soccer match in Uruguay, they play very bad and it is very dangerous, the stadium is full of planchas and people drinking mate.